Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Guest Speaker

Hi All.

We have our first guest speaker - remote speaker, actually. Dr. Mark Frankel, Director, Scientific Freedom, Responsibility and Law Program, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will be talking to us from Washington DC on the 4th of February, Monday. We will be meeting in the regular lecture room at 6 pm, Monday. Please make sure you are there on time.

Do start posting questions and suggestions (in this blog) for topics in scientific ethics you would like to hear about. Ethics in science and scientific journal publishing + what he thinks of the standards/ethics in science writing these days... think along these lines.

We need to have a rough list ready before the talk.

Start thinking:)



Krish Raghav said...


I was wondering if I could ask him about whistle-blowers. Legal protection for whistle-blowers has revealed a number of dubious scientific practices in the past, but India still does not have a Whistleblower Act in place.

Given the extremely secretive nature of R&D in Indian firms, could this be problematic?

Is there something that can be done about that?

Krish Raghav said...
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Krish Raghav said...
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Vijaya Swaminath said...

Sure thing. Do you have an example in mind - have you read of instances of whistle blowers in the world of science or scientific research?

Krish Raghav said...

Philip Morris, the tobacco company, has had frequent troubles with whistleblowers, who've revealed the company's influence on scientists and their research findings. Jeffrey Wigand would be the most famous of these.

Pfizer also, i believe, has been charged with falsifying research findings on the effectiveness of their drugs by whistleblowers from their own R&D teams.

Dhara said...


Was browsing through the net on whistle-blowers and came across an article written about it in The Hindu. The writer K.Ashok vardhan shetty states why India needs a Whistle-blower protection Act. There's also something about the The whistle-blowers Hall of Fame:-).

here's the link :

hope its of some use.


P.S: The writer has mentioned a lot about his views on the subject since its an op-ed page. so just thought about giving a statutory warning as u needn't agree with all that he's said.