Monday, February 18, 2008

Mike Lemonick - Wednesday at 6:00 pm

Thanks Jessica for starting the question list. Please continue to think about what you would like to ask Mike on Wednesday. Also make sure all of you are there on time. By the way, I have received 15 assignments so far. Deadline was midnight yesterday.

See you in class.

Here are a couple of questions I was thinking of :

Science writers are accused of dummying down science in the guise of explaining it to the lay audience. How far is this true? How do we escape this?

Depending on the audience, we have to choose the style of explanation. Any suggestions on this? While writing for the newspaper, what is the target audience we are looking at?


Sruthi K said...

Depending on the length of the story, the amount of explanation has to be limited. Any tips on how to make this balance work?

Sruthi K said...

How does he tackle subjects he doesn't know much about?

Karthik Krishnaswamy said...

In the past, Lemonick wrote a column in Time magazine. Now he writes a blog for them. How is writing a column different from writing a blog, what are the freedoms that come from writing a blog, and what are the things a blogger mustn't do?

Krish Raghav said...

He teaches a course on environmental reporting.

Climate change stories are becoming more political, less ecological. How do we balance an environment story to emphasize both the ecological and the political?